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Maternity shoots, to labor & delivery, to newborn babies - these moments are once-in-a-lifetime. Whether you want to document all of these chapters of welcoming your baby into your arms, or just when you greet them on this side of the belly.  I've had the privilege of documenting many - and even though most of my clients have opted to keep those images private, there are some gems showcasing these moments below.  Enjoy!  

[p.s. I love birth stories. LOVE THEM!  Most clients want these priceless photos for themselves and not shared publicly, but all say that they are so grateful to have the images.]



Newborn to 1-Year-Old Mini Sessions: This is when there are mini sessions scheduled throughout the first year, which gives you a chance to capture your little peanut's rapid growth and changes. The example below helps give you a glimpse into the client's' experience of documenting the first year of life on this side of the belly.